Thursday 24 January 2013


I need to get all this negative energy off myself before midnight. Not having anything disrupt the winter-een-mas vibe this year.

I've felt so lonely recently. Which I know is stupid because I'm surrounded by so many people. It feels almost like I exist independently of them sometimes, whilst at others, I feel smothered by them. The worst part about it is that I know it's all in my head, but that doesn't make things any easier to deal with feeling numb and having anxiety attacks in lessons. People don't understand, and even inadvertently make fun, adding to the stress. I suppose it's my own fault for trying to hide them, but guys, if you see me freaking out, don't torment me about it. Give me a hug damnit :(

Moving onwards, I don't want to dwell any more on that last thought, I've dragged that around for too long. As soon as tomorrow hits, I want a line drawn under this issue.

An hour until Wintereenmas hits. This is the first year I've not had it off work/uni since I was 18. Which is a shame, but I'll just have to go without sleep for the gaming festivities, and what a Wintereenmas it will be, I hope. With any luck, my league application will be approved, meaning I'll be able to TO again, and when I TO again, I can open a shop again! On top of that, I'll be getting back into several games I've not played in years, mostly away from the computer. It is a great deal of work, I'm not going to lie, but doing it will be a lot of fun, and should hopefully generate a little bit of extra income.

And of course Hair. I know it's not part of Wintereenmas, but it's still really enjoyable. Again, it's throwing work at us by the bucketload, but it's nothing we can't handle, and when we do the shows mid-march, we're going to rock the house! :D

Anyway, only a short one today guys. Peace and love. And smile :)


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