Monday 24 October 2011


I'm hopeless at this blogging thing. I always forget to update or don't tell anyone about it, or post a load of absolute drivel. Totally not my fault.

Anyway, I believe this Re:Set blog to be of an approriate title. Over the last year, my life has changed a great deal, and I did not expect to be sat where I am today, posting to y'all about it. I'll try and keep this updated regularly. TRY being the operative word there, I forget to do stuff alot. I'm also going to TRY and post other blogs to, pertaining to World of Warcraft, and DnD, my 2 main hobbies.

So, it is with that in mind that I start.

My name is Joe, I'm 23 and I live in Hull, England. I'm an underachiever, despite having above average intellect, and currently, my head is fucked. I'm not going to point the blame at anyone, but when you've been hurt to the magnitude that I was, its no surprise.

I'm both a realist and a hopeless romantic, which obviously causes a conflict of interest at times. I'm dedicated  and even when I'm just crushing, I feel bad if its more than one person at once. I have social anxiety, but get me one on one and there is no way you could possibly tell, I am fast talking and charismatic. I like to think on my feet and do things my way. If you know me, you can probably guess how I will react to a given situation, I'm have a very nasty streak if you get on the wrong side of me, though pushing me that far is a feat of strength  in itself. I'm a passionate person, if I like you, I really like you, but if I hate you, you'd best watch out. I don't have a great deal of friends, but those I do have I hold in great regard, and if you mess with them, you mess with me too. I've been referred to by more than one person as brutally honest. I don't find that to be the case, I just don't often feel comfortable bending the truth, and when something needs to be said, I don't mind being the one to say it, even if it casts me as the bad guy.

I used to think I didn't need anyone help with anything. It was that mentality that caused me to splinter, and now, I know that asking for help is not a sign of weakness, its a sign of strength, being prepared to swallow your pride and admit to others that you need them.

Well, that's me in a nutshell, sorry if it felt like an overly long rant, that's just me. Talk to you later readers


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