Wednesday 1 May 2013


The worst thing about life, is that no matter what paths you tread, however far you walk, there will always be endings. Times when you have to say goodbye to all the people you've walked this far with and move on. I hate endings so much.

This year has been amazing, all of it. All because of the people the people I've had in my life. Now I'm facing 5 months without them. Some of the new friends I have made, I may never see again, or at best, very sparingly after tomorrow. Considering that I suffer social anxiety, I value the bonds I share with people above most other things in my life, and seeing those bonds sundered.. It breaks my heart.

I wish life could just, stay as it is, and that people wouldn't have to go away. I know thats a really childish veiw, as people need to move forward to grow, and if we never moved on, then we wouldn't meet new people, form new bonds and continue the circle. I'm glad I can share my journey with all these wonderful people, the memories we shared I'll hold close to my heart forever. I actually love you all.

So please don't disappear completely, say hi from time to time. Ending don't have to be goodbyes, just new beginnings.


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