Tuesday 8 May 2012


It really has been far too long since I looked up here. My bad, I guess. I have missed you all though, I have just been really caught up in my life recently, so, I guess y'all deserve an update!

Okay so, lets do this:

Numero Uno! Cheerleading! I went back for a visit and BLAM! Just like that I get to go back. I do love the sport so much. I was really starting to get back into it when WHAM! Stray elbow to the face! It was a total accident, and honestly, I feel worse for the girl that broke my nose than for myself, she was so upset :< But anyways, there is no way that's going to stop me! I'm more than ready to go back now, in every regard.

Numero.. um.. Two! Singing! My voice has really improved itself, I can hear myself better now, and my vocal range is getting stronger! I do so enjoy to sing. Today I found I could sing "Gives you Hell" (Glee cast version) pretty well, and had a lot of fun singing along side some death metal vocals!

Number the third! General social stuffs! So, I'm managing to stay in the bar a lot longer now! Done a couple of full nights and had a blast doing it. I'm going out more. My calendar is actually full! With 4 nights a week cheer suddenly stepping in there and leaving me with not a whole lot of free time. Besides my DS, I don't think I've actually played a game in about 10 days now, which is some kind of a record for me. Althoughhh.. Diablo 3 next week! I can't wait!

Number the next! Roleplaying! Okay, so I'm not doing as much nowadays, because of this and that and stuff, but what I am doing is going great! I enjoy my Mondays and Wednesdays, as River and Lux, Whether it be saving the residents of Sandport from the ultimate evil living below them (River), or causing a drunken disturbance on the Sandport streets (Lux), they are both developing nicely.

So yeah, that's the general stuff update, now onto the finer things.

Got back in contact with my Mum on my birthday, and I now visit on a weekly basis. Its great to see them all again, I get on great with my little sister, Lucy, cos she's such a great kid who shares my sense of humour, even if she is a bit of a chav ;). My little brother, Adam, got into the RAF, so congrats to him, I hope everything works out.

An old friend from college emailed me the other day too! Was kind of out of the blue, but since then, we've been talking a lot, she lives so far away now, but I'm sure we'll meet up again at some point. :) But until then, I hope for continued correspondence via mail!

So yeah, the general moral of the story, is that everything is going far better than expected. I'm loving life at the moment. A little anxious from time to time, but I'm managing it now. Also, I'm still waiting on a reply for my degree course, which is holding me in suspense a little. And I am a little worried about going to have my nose re-broken and put back into position. Yuk! But besides that, everything is great!

Anyhow, that's a whole lotta text, and I've got a whole lotta other things I could be doing! Love y'all!

Kex <3

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