Saturday 21 February 2015

Shades of Grey

No, this isn't about the movie, nor BDSM or abusive relationships in any way (I think), so if you're here for smut, move along please. It's a sad time when you feel like you can't say a phrase you've been using for at least half your life because some book or movie has come out and completely re-wrote the meaning of it!

Why is everything all so confusing nowadays? I miss playground days when it all seemed so black and white, now everything is (figuratively and literally) all shades of grey with no easily desirable outcome. Can we just go back to that simpler time when every word wasn't about internal politics of keeping everyone happy? Is it so hard to get a straight answer, or to not send mixed signals bouncing around everywhere?

I mean, personally, I try and be as honest as possible, within a certain amount of tact. I give compliments when they are due, and am fairly stoic, cold and sarcastic the rest of the time, by my own estimation. Anyone who was 100% brutal would become very lonely, very fast, and as humans, that is the opposite of what we're programmed to do.

I mean humans are ultimately selfish, egotistical creatures, and the easiest way to fuel that ego-centric behaviour is to receive the praise and admiration of others, which is what today's society has become. Even the least selfish of us strive to hear the compliments from someone you seek to impress, whether it be the director who's been constantly berating you, a parent or other family member, or someone who used to be a huge part of your life. That praise feeds our ego and keeps us working towards our goals.

But equally, it's easy enough to pull yourself in, to become too attached to that feeling, and when you do, you become an addict, constantly pressing in ways to hear that next bit of praise, if not from the person that you want it from, then from anyone else who will give it to you. The feeling of someone who used to give compliments to you regularly just pulling away and no longer sending them is something that most people don't know they fear. It ties well into abandonment or loss of sentimentality. We've all done it, grown out of touch with friends or out of love with partners, and we've all felt their last gasp as they try to hold on to something that you can no longer keep there.

It all goes down to the bonds people share, and how much those bonds are valued. It is almost an impossibility that two people see each other in exactly the same light, so someone will always value those bonds higher than the other, which is where problems start to arise. And it's not even as if those bonds are fixed, many events can influence the strength of them. Words, especially. Back to those beautiful, terrible, all powerful words. The single most creative and destructive force on this world.

I'm not sure where I'm going with this today, but I felt the urge to write, and so I did. Food for thought for some, hopefully, for others maybe a realisation. And for a few I imagine a "What the fuck is this guy harping on about now".. But hey, life!


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