Sunday 14 April 2013


Bit of a 2 parter today folks

I dunno why, but I feel like an underdog in most things I do. No matter how hard I work or what I do, I am constantly underrated and it makes me feel under valued. I'm a person that would do anything for anyone, whatever that means for myself. I find myself now on the brink of physical and mental exhaustion as I try and juggle everything that needs to be done. 3 Weeks. That's all I need to hold out for.

No one knows what it's like to be me. The shit I have to face on a daily basis would make other people cringe. I'm sure others have their own problems too, but still, no one really knows what I go through to live a semi normal life. Just plaster on that face and smile Joe, it's for the best, really.

Am I feeling down? I dunno? Maybe. I don't know what I'm feeling right now, strange.

Anyhow, enough of that.

So, yesterday I spoke about the concept of the mind travelling backwards through different timelines to allow someone to view possible outcomes of life, and that has set me off thinking about a whole range of things. Firstly, what if the human brain already possesses this capability? It would explain "prophetic dreams" or the sensation of Deja Vu, as you would be literally reliving an event you had already seen. Looking at it another way, it means that humans, as a species, have much more control over their own destinies than we can ever account for!

But Kex, I hear you ask, if this is true, then why are certain tragedies allowed to occur  The simple answer is for the good of the human race. Without monumental catastrophes to guide us, who knows where we could have ended up. It could cast historical figures in different lights, if it is possible that they could have known what they were getting into before they did it.

According to string theory there are several more dimensions than those that we experience. As a human, I too fall prey to the notion that in order to believe something it must be seen. But thinking of it another way, if 2-dimensional beings were to exist, they would be unable to see us, as we technically would be unable to see them. Everything in out viewable universe is 3D, no matter how small or flat, simply because the atoms that comprise it are in 3D themselves. Surely, the same must apply true for 4th dimensional beings, we should be unable to perceive them, as the us, yet we should be able to occupy the same space. It's all very confusing. I can't even begin to fathom exactly what the 4th spacial dimension would even be.

This whole thing brought me onto another chain of thought. I'm sure I heard somewhere that scientists had managed to run a simulation that emulates a universe being made. If this isn't true, I imagine its only a matter of time before they do. Now, thinking about this, if they can create a universe, will this universe be capable of supporting life, and if it is, will that life be sentient? Could it figure out that it's whole existence is within the giant supercomputer which is essentially god? Surely that has to be a possibility if it is to be an accurate simulation? Now. What if that universe was our universe? We simulated ourselves into existence, and we keep repeating the cycle until everything goes right. What's right? Who knows? Hell, who decides? Now, is this theory and my first theory not essentially the same? Millions of timelines existing simultaeniously, with an overseer guiding it on its path.

My head hurts.


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